In the Arena...

Meet our featured dealer:

Melissa, MB73

Melissa antiques on display
Melissa antiques on display art, blankets, home goods
Featured Dealer antiques on display
Melissa, Dealer MB73, is a CCA favorite! 
While spending time on her family farms as a child, she became enamored with all things old and rusty. She spent many years buying and selling antiques as a hobby. Melissa says, “Upon moving to Prescott, God answered my prayer by leading me to Cowgirl Country Antiques. After meeting Kristen, Donnie and the pups, I knew this is where I belonged. I now have two spaces and sell old and rusty stuff full-time; prayers answered.”
Be sure to check out Melissa’s spaces when you stop by the shop, just say “I wanna see dealer MB73!” 
featured antiques on a green side table
dachshund on a leash sitting by a flower pot

Our featured find:

Cowboy spurs have a fascinating history that dates back to the early days of cattle ranching and horsemanship. In the late 1800s, as cowboys rode the open range and worked long hours tending to cattle, they needed a means to control their horses effectively. This led to the invention of spurs, which quickly became a staple in their attire.
antique spurs

The connection between cowboy and horse is fundamental, and spurs serve as a visible reminder of this bond. Cowboys & Cowgirls spend countless hours working with their horses, building trust and establishing a language of cues. The use of spurs is a subtle and nuanced communication that reinforces the unique partnership between rider and steed.

The significance of spurs in cowboy culture cannot be overstated. Much more than simple accessories, they encapsulate the values and traditions that define the cowboy way of life. With their rich symbolism and historical significance, spurs remain an enduring emblem of the cowboy’s prowess, honor, and unwavering bond with their trusty steed.

Several of our dealers carry spurs of every style – stop by today and see what spurs you!

And remember: “Never squat with yer spurs on!”

antique spurs and decorative cow skull on a table
antique spurs, turquoise jewelery and cowboy boots on a display table
display table full of antique spurs and cowboy gear

We Buy Antiques

Got an interesting or unique thing-a-ma-jig? We’ll buy it! Give us a holler or stop by to strike a deal.